WordPress is the most beloved and demanded website platform in the world. This article will cover some reasons why you should join the millions who choose WordPress for their first website. 

More than a third of all sites in the world are on it. What’s more, 500 new sites join them each day, and that number keeps rising. 

The WordPress ecosystem boasts a solid developer community. You can access as many as 55,000 plugins at WordPress.org for free. 

Easy Maintenance

Websites tend to need maintenance work. With WordPress, the website owner might be responsible for updating the content management system (CMS) as new versions come out, updating themes and plugins, managing comments if such are enabled, and ensuring the site is secure and fully optimized. 

To save time and effort, you can sign up for a managed WordPress hosting service. With managed hosting, the host takes care of maintenance. This leaves more time to dedicate to other important aspects, like your site’s content and reach. 

WordPress is an Open-Source

Open-source software means it’s free and can be used for anything you want. It’s also freely customizable. You can change anything with WordPress. The platform’s massive developer community is always working on new tools for it. You can choose from thousands of themes, giving you complete control over the design and style. 

You could opt for premium themes and plugins, but they are not free. 

It’s Easy to Learn the Ropes

If you’ve never created a site or used a CMS before, don’t worry – it’s easy to learn the ropes with WordPress. You only need to choose a theme and install some plugins to add features and functionality to your site before you start creating pages.

There’s no shortage of ways to customize a WordPress site. You’ll get full control over its appearance as you get the hang of the various functions and features. 

WordPress has something to offer experienced web developers too. They have a foundation to build on, which lets them work faster and more efficiently than if they were to create a site from scratch.

Also, Read: Why WordPress Elementor Themes are Getting More Popular in the Past Decade

Enables Scaling

Scaling is among the most difficult aspects of running a website. The more traffic that’s directed to your site and the more content you publish, the more resources the site will use. A reliable web host can help with scaling, but the CMS you use is also important. Scaling is not an issue with WordPress, which is used to power everything from a simple blog to a corporate site. 

Another pro of WordPress is that you can use it for a wide range of projects. You can run a social network, grow your business, create a forum, build a virtual classroom, and more. You can set up an e-commerce business with the WooCommerce plugin.

WordPress can be used to power mobile apps. To do this, you can use a tool called REST API, which supplies other platforms with information.

Endless Number of Themes and Plugins 

WordPress has a myriad of plugins and themes, both free and premium. You will have no problem adding your desired style and features to your site. Many WordPress alternatives charge you for better templates and themes, but not WordPress.

Search Engine Optimization

You want your site to rank high in the search results, but so does everyone else, including your competitors. Optimizing your content can be easy or challenging. WordPress provides access to Yoast SEO, the SEO Framework, All in One SEA Pack, and other powerful SEO plugins to make your job easy. While using an SEO plugin is not mandatory, it can be very helpful in attracting more visitors to your site. 

Your Website Content is all Yours

You can set up your site on any server because WordPress is self-hosted. You’re not tied to any one hosting platform. You can also change your host whenever you want. You own all the content you create and can always alter the CMS. 

The Latest Security Patches and Updates 

No website in the world is completely immune to attacks, not least because new security threats are always emerging. Using a CMS that’s serious about online security is essential. WordPress is constantly introducing new patches and updates. You’ll be ahead of everyone by updating your version. 

If you choose web hosting, ask the host about their security protocol and measures, especially if you want to secure your website further. 

There are many additional steps you can take, including multifactor or two-factor authentication (2FA) and enforcing strong passwords. However, it might not be necessary as WordPress is secure out of the box.

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