Often enterprises are skeptical about releasing a new product in the market. It’s difficult to gauge the performance of an application until it is used by the customer. You never know what exactly their expectations are. To get rid of the dilemma of meeting customers’ expectations from a software product, UAT testing was introduced. As the name suggests UAT testing is done by real-time users or professionals who have already used similar products. They are the best resources for UAT testing as they are well aware of what should be required from the software application. In fact, their inputs can help you to enhance your application to multi-folds. UAT testing gives immense confidence for releasing a product in the market capable of standing all the market challenges. UAT testing when done right can prove extremely profitable. So, let’s find the best practices to perform UAT testing.

Also, Read to Know: How Continuous Integration and Testing Limits the Cost of a Compromised App.

Identify the Target Audience 

Before developing an application, identifying the target audience is crucial It helps in understanding the customers in much depth, understanding their requirements, their needs, and problems. This way there won’t be any problem in ending up developing something that won’t work. 

It’s important to discuss business processes with experienced professionals or users who work on similar products. The real-time users can tell the correct requirements, what and exactly how things should be. Once the application is ready, the same users can be employed to perform UAT. Their feedback is important as they can help you understand whether the application fits their requirement or not. 

Developing Test Plans:

Developing test plans sets a clear road map on how, when, and what needs to be tested. The advantage is having a crystal clear perspective on the objective (what are you planning to verify or validate), scope (what will and will not be tested), and time boundaries (how and when are you testing) for developing test cases. 

Developing a test automation plan will help to execute all the test activities from the previous stages on time so that there is enough time to perform UAT. This is because it’s imperative to implement the feedback of UAT as perfectly as possible to gain optimum results. Having said that, address all the questions and doubts of the users on a regular basis and minimize the obstacles for the users beforehand. 

Create Bug Communication Standards 

Whenever a bug is detected, communicate about the bug as clearly as possible. Give information as much as possible. Record the information, take screenshots and report it to the developer. The clearer the report, the easier to solve the bugs.


Undoubtedly UAT testing is the most important testing strategy and helps in adding business value to the product. If done right, UAT testing can give a high ROI. Hence in order to get maximum results from UAT testing, strategies must be planned in advance and executed from the earlier stages of the development lifecycle. In the blog above, the most basic strategies to enhance UAT testing are mentioned. To implement these highly recommended strategies to up your game for UAT Testing.

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