You’re at home enjoying your evening when you get an unexpected call from a number you don’t recognize. Someone on the other end begins speaking very quickly, telling you that there’s something wrong with your computer and that you need to give them permission to access it, or else the computer will crash and you will lose your files forever. 

All of this sounds completely ridiculous, but then again, the person is emotional and in a rush. So, what should you do? 

Unfortunately, there’s no magic fix to make these calls go away, but there are plenty of steps you can take to reduce the number of scam calls you to get each month and save yourself some frustration in the process. 

So, we put together this list of 9 ways to fight scam calls so you can stop feeling helpless against them. We hope it helps!

Read This to Know: How Not to Get Scammed on the Dark Web?

Know Who You’re Dealing with and How They Work – Numbers, Names, Tactics, etc.

Before you do anything else, it’s important to make sure you know who you’re dealing with. Also, be aware of what these calls look like. Scammers will often spoof their caller ID to make it look like they’re calling from a legitimate company or even the government. 

Scammers are often very good at imitating trustworthy sources, so don’t take anything at face value. 

If you receive a call from someone claiming to be from your bank, for example, don’t give them any information until you’ve verified that they are who they say they are. The best way to do this is to hang up and call the customer service number on your account statement.

They may also use threats or high-pressure tactics to get you to pay or share sensitive details. If you don’t recognize the number, don’t answer. Let it go to voicemail, so you can screen the call. Hang up if the caller becomes rude or threatening.

Don’t Get Mad; Just Hang Up Immediately

When you get a call from an unknown number, the best thing you can do is hang up immediately. 

Getting angry or trying to reason with the caller will only waste your time and could potentially make you more vulnerable. 

Never Give Money

Never give money to someone you don’t know, no matter how persuasive they sound. If someone calls asking for money, hang up immediately without bothering to engage with the caller in any way. 

If you don’t know who the caller is, chances are they’re a scammer. Do not give the caller any personal information, such as your name, address, or date of birth. If you have caller ID, write down the number and verify the caller’s identity on Nuwber

Be sure to warn your friends and family members about scam calls, so they can avoid being scammed themselves.

Use an Unlisted Phone Number

There are a few simple things you can do to help reduce the number of scam calls you receive. One is to use an unlisted phone number. This will make it more difficult for scammers to find your number so they are less likely to call you. 

Report Phishing Calls

The best way to fight scam calls is to report them. Not only does this help law enforcement officials track down scammers, but it also helps warn other people about them. 

You can report scam calls to the Federal Trade Commission, the Better Business Bureau, and your state attorney general’s office.

Be sure to include as much information about the call as possible, including the number that called you, if you have it. 

Call the Police

If you receive a scam call, the best thing you can do is report it to the police. The more people that do this, the easier it will be for the police to track down the scammers and put a stop to their illegal activity. You should also file a police report if you have any information about who was behind the scam call. 

Here’s how to report a scam call:

  • Call your local law enforcement agency; 
  • Explain what happened and give them as much information as possible about the caller’s phone number and where they called from (city, state); 
  • Remember that time zones matter! Scammers often call at odd hours, so make sure to account for your time zone when reporting a scammer’s number; 

Even if you’re not worried about your personal information or identity being stolen because of an incident with a scammer, someone else might be. Report any scams that are happening in your area so that everyone stays safe.

Block Phone Numbers

If you’re getting a lot of spam calls, another thing you can do is block the phone numbers that are calling you. Most phones have a built-in blocking feature, but there are also a number of apps you can download that will do the job for you. 

Once you have a blocking tool in place, add the number of known scammers to your block list. You can find lists of scammer phone numbers online or ask your friends and family if they’ve been getting any suspicious calls.

Also, Read About Text Mail Subscriber: The Inner Workings And An Insight To The Scams

Change Your Number or Sim Card

If you think you may have been the victim of a scam call, you should probably change your phone number or SIM card. This will help to protect your personal information and prevent scammers from being able to reach you again.

Buy a Caller ID Device

If you’re getting a lot of spam calls, one way to stop them is by using a caller ID device. This type of device shows you the phone number of the person or business call, so you can screen calls and avoid answering ones from unknown numbers. 

Many phones now have caller ID built-in, but you can also buy devices that plug into your phone line and display the caller’s information on a screen. 

If that function is unavailable, you can look the number up on PhoneHistory. That will give an idea of who the caller is.

To Sum It Up…

It is best not to answer the phone if you are not expecting a call. If you do answer the phone, use caution when giving personal information. Remain firm with your answers by using strong language such as ‘No’ or ‘I am not interested’. 

Finally, it is important to have your caller ID service activated on your phone to help prevent scam calls from happening in the first place.

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