Social media is beginning to ascend its throne in the world of marketing. For many companies, it is an opportunity to connect and engage with existing and potential customers at a personal level. This avenue is the key catalyst for brand growth, as 3 out of 4 people consult social media before purchasing.

However, you need more than just a social media presence to win over consumers. The key to becoming successful on social media is user engagement. It helps boost brand awareness and conversion, resulting in improved business profits. 

If you’re struggling with engaging your target audience on social platforms, here are the top five powerful ways you can try today:

1. Get to Know Your Audience

As a business owner or marketer, understanding your target audience is vital. This will define every plan and strategy you execute, plus help you create tailored content that visitors will love. 

Often, the target audience of any niche is segmented into various categories, such as age, gender, location, income, employment, and more. You need to collect the demographic of your target audience to know them better.

Another best method to find customers’ needs and interests is to run surveys. You can also look for trends in customer feedback and make necessary improvements in your marketing campaign. 

2. Talk About the Relevant Topics (Not Just Your Brand)

“The best marketing doesn’t feel like marketing,” said Tom Fishburne. If you only promote your brand on social media, you may leave a bad impression on your customers. Using social media creatively is an art that most companies are unaware of.

Think of your customers as social humans; they have interests and concerns outside of what’s happening in your company. Sharing the relevant content helps you begin the conversation with them. This way, you can strengthen your customer relationship and build more loyalty. 

Gaming companies are the best example of making intelligent use of social media. Instead of promoting their games, they focus on sharing relevant knowledge and information to get true value from their customers. For example, Andar Bahar, the popular Indian card game, has spread its reach to wider demographics with its fun educational content on YouTube. Find out more about the game to better understand how it became a big thing in the gaming industry.

3. Run Contests & Giveaways

Who doesn’t love free and exciting giveaways! You can get your customers to fill in a form, share your post, or give a shoutout to your account to be in with the chance of winning. It’s a perfect win-win – while they earn rewards, you get to enhance your engagement. 

Bonus? This will also allow you to collect your customers’ data, further using it for retargeting. Sometimes, building a brand is that much fun!

4. Involve in Questions & Answer Sessions

79% of consumers who shared complaints about poor customer experience online were ignored. Such customers are more likely to switch a brand. This is where you can seize the opportunity.

Try to be involved in Q&A sessions frequently. It’s a great way to provide your customers with value and gets you seen as a helpful brand. If you know how to spark a discussion with prospective customers, along with giving relevant answers to their queries, the chances are you’ll become their go-to brand. 

Pro Tip: Hire a dedicated customer response team to cater to customers’ needs on time.

5. Use Trending Hashtags

On social media, hashtags are an indication that a piece of content belongs to a certain category. If used correctly, they can get your content in front of a bigger audience, boost your SEO, and maximize engagement. 

Hashtags are mainly popular on Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Make use of appropriate hashtags that people intend to search. Luckily, several hashtag generator tools can offer you a list of trending #hashtags to use on your social media posts. If you are interested to know the percentage of how popular a word or term is, look no further than Hashtagify.

You should also consider the right number of hashtags you use. According to a recent post from Instagram’s @creator account, users should use between 3-5 hashtags per post, even though the maximum limit is 30. The same applies to Twitter, as well. 

It’s Time to Step Up Your Social Media Game!

Social media is a cornerstone of marketing; using it for your brand presence has never been important before. However, engaging on social media is not an easy task. Your followers are always on the look for new, relevant content that aligns with their requirements. 

By having the right strategy, a deep understanding of your target audience, and the tactics to communicate with them, you can build a community and attract them towards your brand.

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