Motivation and discipline are not enough for freelancers to give their best irrespective of the nature of their jobs. While you are free to manage your schedule, time tracking software for freelancers comes with a host of benefits. We are not asking you to be rigid with your ways, but time management skills are something that you cannot do without. 

Many freelancers believe that having time-tracking software will hinder project progress. However, it will help you create accurate project estimation and charge the right price for your work. Not convinced still? Reading these reasons will surely coax you into purchasing one! 

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1. Smooth Workflow

Dealing with multiple clients can create chaos, and you need to have a process in place. This will help you analyze the amount of time and resources you are spending on a project. 

For instance, when you use project estimation software, you will know that you are probably using 2 hours to research a 1000- word article. These insights will help you make relevant changes to your workflow and increase profitability in the long run. 

Moreover, it will help you identify other issues and improve your productivity. If you choose to collect the data over some time, you will be able to develop a better understanding of your business objectives. 

2. Curb Procrastination

We agree that using social media can give you a breather, but it is not the best option when you have a pressing deadline. So, the villain here is procrastination, and good time tracking software can help you curb the menace. 

Yes, leaving the work till the last minute is minute but can lead to anxiety. But, it can lead to poor quality work being delivered and, in the long run, can sabotage your client relations. 

By using a time tracking app, you will not only make smarter decisions but will also work thinking that a timer is ticking. This will help you realize the value of each minute and prevent you from wasting time on unimportant tasks. 

3. Eliminate Multitasking

Do you know time tracking software is the key to avoiding multitasking? But, how? Well, you cannot track time when you are doing multiple things at once. 

The goal of time tracking is to understand the time you spend on a particular task. Since you will focus solely on the task, you are less likely to spend your time checking social media and your emails. 

Another thing you can do with your project estimation software is to compare the time you spend on each task. Then, when you see the reports, you will understand how much time is being wasted on multitasking.

4. Easy Client Selection

Time tracking software can help you identify clients that are worth your time. Most freelancers have a client or two that demand time without paying extra. 

The only way to do away with this habit is to track every moment you spend on their project and then charge them. If things still don’t work in your favor, you might want to look for other clients that pay well. 

5. Increased Financial Acumen 

Underquoting is a major issue with contract workers and freelancers. In the absence of project estimation software, it can get challenging to estimate the time you will need to complete a project. 

Having the right solution with you will help you prepare the right estimates and prevent losses. Also, using a time tracking tool will help you include all project phases and calculate your work hours better. 

Also, comparing your payments and your time on your tasks will help you channel your efforts better. As there is no point, keeping up with a project that hardly gets you any profits. These insights will also help you improve overall business performance. 

For instance, if you are a developer, you can compare if building a site from scratch is worthy or customizing a template will give out a better quality in lesser time. 

6. Smoother Task Delegation

Just because you are a freelancer does not mean you should do it all! We agree you do not like it, but you will surely need an extra pair of hands with a whole range of tasks like outreach, marketing your business, and sending invoices. 

A time tracking solution helps you analyze the time spent on tasks. This will let you delegate tasks accordingly and not overburden yourself. 

Wrapping Up 

All-in-all, time tracking software can exponentially increase your business revenue. Besides, it will help you establish your worth as a trustworthy professional. Also, when you have more time, you will be able to devote more attention to your family and loved ones. Still, searching for the right project estimation software? Cast aside your worries, let us help you find the right one!

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