The roulette game has fascinated both online and offline casino gamblers for many years. If you had to mention a game that symbolizes casino gambling, the roulette would be first on the list. It was created by the French mathematician and inventor Blaise Pascal in 1665. And since its gaming inception, it has caught the eye of millions of people all over the world.

This game became popular in India as far back as the ancient and colonial periods. Since then, it has grown wider and more popular and is still heavily involved in India’s gambling market today.

For some, playing certain roulette like the Golden Chip Roulette online wasn’t simply a game. It has influenced the work of many artists and became prevalent in several art forms. This article briefly describes how roulette has featured in some famous art forms with a brief look at its origin.

What are the Origins of Roulette?

Every casino game has its origin, many of which casino lovers don’t know. However, the history of these games says a lot about their present state and can be instrumental in helping you develop a strategy that wins. Roulette history dates back many centuries ago, with traces of similar games being played by soldiers using their shields and arrows when relaxing at camp.

However, the only clear origin dates to 1655, when Pascal tried inventing the perpetual motion wheel. This machine was said to be able to operate continuously without requiring any external force. Although Pascal’s theory failed and he couldn’t make such a wheel, it gave birth to one of the most popular casino games.

Roulette in India’s Online Gambling Scene

It took some time before the subject of roulettes and art became married to create different designs over the last couple of centuries. You will see this transformation in how the game is designed and played over the years. The design of roulette today is way different from what it was many years ago, and there is a possibility it will change in the future.

Modern civilization had almost moved on from the game of roulettes due to technological advances. Since the media is completely present on the internet, gambling took a more virtual form to survive. With this, ventures such as online casinos have become a massive industry in places like India. Over 80% of their adult population is said to have gambled at least once each year.

The Indian gambling industry grows nearly 20% every year. The overall gambling market is estimated to be worth billions of dollars. Various casino games in India have benefited from this, and roulette is no exception. Its usage in places like Paddy Power has displayed how modern technology evolved the gambling process as well as strategies and slowly brought the roulette back into the limelight.

Roulette in the Art World

In the world of arts, one of the most famous paintings that the roulette has inspired is Edvard Munch’s At The Roulette Table, dated back to 1892. He is best known for his masterpiece, The Scream, which has seen many illustrations from other artists to the rest of the world.

Edvard Munch stayed in Nice in the early 1890s and was a well-known visitor to the casino in Monte Carlo. He was fascinated and inspired by the roulette, painting several pictures relating to his memories of the wheel.

Although the most famous of Edvard Munch’s works, The Scream, was an abstract piece, At The Roulette Table, a painting of the famous wheel, was a more practical illustration. Its use of only black, red, and green symbolized the colors of the numbers on a roulette wheel.

More recently, artists like Leroy Neiman have attempted to capture the artistic impression of roulette. Neiman’s The Green Table is a prime example of such work, characterized by bright and lively colors compared to Munch’s slightly darker style.

Although both paintings may feel completely different, they capture the roulette excitement of casino gaming. In The Green Table Painting, all those at the table had their hands on the board and looked very involved in the game.

As centuries passed, painters like Munch and Neiman have tried to capture the feelings of other gaming elements with people. Their respective works prove the important role artists play in society and history. It also shows how much artists can influence the gaming and entertainment industry.


Roulette created several historical marks from gambling, giving me perspective and artistic inspiration. Today the manifestation of the game is played in every corner of the world and is still bringing zeal and excitement to the table. However, certain things must be considered, whether you’re playing the game for fun or doing so to make money. The most important of them is the platform you’re playing on.

Parimatch is a licensed gaming platform in India that offers the roulette game and several bonuses. You can also download the app to enjoy the game better.

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