The onset of the pandemic has familiarized us, as a society, with a very accessible mode of functionality. Especially for students, multiple lockdowns introduced alternatives that are now mainstream. Countless people have opted to get their degrees online since the pandemic, which means that many students can easily reach their educational milestones.

Online learning is a very desirable mode of learning because of its countless benefits. For example, studying online helps save the cost of relocation, you have more control over your study hours, and be able to take out more time for jobs, chores, etc.

These circumstances are ideal for Registered Nurses (RN), who don’t have to worry about quitting their jobs to pursue higher education because they can finish their higher education online.

These benefits are not without their challenges, especially for RNs juggling education with work. Forming a schedule may be difficult for online students, but with optimal planning, anything is achievable. Here are some of the tips for nurses pursuing their degrees online:

Inform the Employer of Your Degree

Even though acquiring online degrees is much easier because of the control one has over their own time, it still requires a lot of effort and work. Aside from assignments and quizzes, online degrees often require holding meetings with the instructors. Having one’s employer on board is ideal for nurses enrolled in online RN to BSN courses because they can schedule tasks around your availability. 

As healthcare professionals, there are always tasks and emergency cases that require nurses to be present. If your employer is on board with your schedule, they would call someone else instead of you.

Maintain a Planner

Every student should maintain a planner to highlight upcoming tasks and deadlines. It is essential for a student who is working full-time while pursuing an online degree. A planner will help you stay up-to-date with the recent assignments of the university, as well as work events. A nurse enrolled in a BSN degree cannot slack off on either side, which means they should stay on top of their game. Maintaining a planner with important dates and milestones helps prepare for everything in advance. Write down a weekly or monthly plan and hang it in a prominent place, like on top of your workstation.

High-functioning Gadgets

Online students should ensure their internet has a stable connection and good bandwidth. Most online lectures, quizzes, and exams rely highly upon the quality and speed of the internet. In addition, students need a good computer, laptop, or tablet to work. It is ideal to have a good pair of headphones with a microphone. Not having functioning gadgets during online classes can be frustrating and embarrassing. 


It is difficult to maintain a timetable without the discipline of a traditional classroom. Students who study from home should formulate an ideal work environment that keeps them engaged. For example, they should start by setting up a comfortable chair and desk in a corner with minimal distraction and good light. This space can have post-its of upcoming deadlines, planners, and stationery alongside appliances for online studying.

Students should not have their workstations in their bedrooms. It should be in a separate room or the lounge. Research suggests that the energy of the workstation needs to be different from that of the place one rests in. Separating space for rest and work will maximize your overall productivity and enhance your relaxation when it is time to do so.

Motivate yourself and Stay Productive

Everyone has their method of working and staying productive. However, handling work and education simultaneously can be overwhelming at times. It may lead to anxiety and procrastination due to burnout. This means that the nurse in training needs to stay focused and find ways to stay motivated. There are many techniques one can look up online that help with remaining productive and on course.

One of the techniques to maximize productivity is the “Pomodoro technique.” It allows one to work for long periods without getting exhausted because it schedules in breaks.

Socialize Online

Just because you don’t physically attend a university does not mean you have to go through this journey alone. Everyone needs community and support while they are doing something. With online education, locating a support group becomes more accessible. You can reach out to your class-fellows, who are taking the same courses as you online. You can formulate timings for when you can study together. Additionally, you can ask them for help with notes and assignments.

It will help you figure out your academic work faster and give you the semblance of being in an institution. Having a support group minimizes social isolation while studying. 

Reach Out to Teachers

You should always reach out to your teachers and instructors if you get stuck somewhere. The teachers might not reply after their office hours, but they are there to help you with your inquiries and confusion. Even if you’re a professional, you are still a student, and it is okay to ask for help where you need it. Most instructors will be glad you are learning optimally for your degree.


Studying and working take up a significant portion of your time, and people do not take time out for themselves, which is unhealthy. Everyone needs a break, so while you schedule your work routine for the week or the month, make sure to schedule some time for yourself. You can use this time to do skincare, go out with your friends, go shopping, or relax and stream some new shows online. It is imperative to take care of yourself to avoid burnout and maximize productivity. Research suggests that taking care of oneself increases the quality and quantity of work that gets done.


Nursing is a noble profession, and if you’re studying to become one, you will reap the benefits of it too. So, work hard in nursing school and follow these study tips for success. However, it is impossible to help others if your health is compromised. It is only fair that you give yourself some time too. Work hard and smart by keeping track of your daily progress, but always make room for things you enjoy.

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