Randomness is an important factor in all games, especially those involving money transactions. Therefore, gambling games always make players skeptical about their randomness, because if they are not random, this proves that the operators are behind the game acquisition, so the player’s odds of winning are very low. With this in mind, many online slot game operators have tried to prove to their users that these games are all random through superior software and systems. Fairness and reasonableness for players are always a top priority. So what helps operators prove that online slot games are all random? Let’s find out the reasons below.


RTP was born as an optimal policy that operators want to give players, it is defined as an amount that will be returned to players when they have joined many times and accumulated a lot of money after those games. In a word, RTP sums up a player’s number of wins and accumulates money from the first win. However, the RTP in slot games is random, which means it will be any number depending on how many times you win or how much you have spent betting from the moment you first start playing. Therefore, you will get random but fair results compared to the effort you put in. RTP estimation is very simple, you just need to keep in mind the following three factors: the average number of times you have bet on the game, the average amount of rewards you have won after the wins, and the amount of payment that you have spent in that game.

Chance to Win the Jackpot

Remember, all jackpots can appear at random, but in slot games, you can sometimes make that randomness happen with some simple strategies. To have a chance of hitting multiple random jackpots, you should change up your bets and risk a bit with maximum value bets. Usually, when the stakes increase or the number of spins reaches the maximum, the probability of winning the jackpot will be higher, but that does not mean that you will be sure you will hit the jackpot, because the jackpot will only appear once. There are many cases where it only takes 1 or 2 spins to win the jackpot because of this randomness. For games like slot games, hope should be placed more heavily than skill, as the randomness is high and it can be difficult to predict in what time frame and on which day you will be able to win the jackpot.

The Effect of Variance

Variance is also a random factor that you can hardly predict, low value pay slots are often associated with low variance and carry a lot of risk to the player. On the contrary, for high variance, your chances of winning will be greater. But given the randomness of the game, sometimes winning will come only in the mean-variance, or variances that are set to take more risk.

The answer to whether slot games are random or not is certainly yes, but also because of randomness it will sometimes create surprises for players, it can be disappointment or happiness.

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